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Artists Speak, Political & Social Commentary by Visual Artists

November 2 through November 14, 2014.
Gil Fulbright -The Honest Politician
'Censored' -lithograph self portrait
Home(less) on the Range
There is no Negro Problem
The San Francisco Poster Brigade
San Francisco Poster Brigade
Aim for Justice, Not at People
"Honor This"  by Bunky Echo Hawk
Future Adaptation
No Mas Sangre, Poncho Villa
Sangre y Valentina
Restore Kansas
Greater Than Sam - Zach Snethen
Heavy, Heavy Hangs Over Thy Head
Contemplating the Strip Mall
Failed Experiment
Failed Experiment  Republican Farmer
Reject Brownback by Dave Loewenstein
Artists Speak

In conjunction with the mid-term election this collection of prints, drawings, paintings, ceramics and an installation piece were the first exhibit presented in the NOTO ArtsPlace Gallery.  Drawn from the collection of Michael Bradley and Hi Stockwell with many pieces contributed by artists from NOTO, Topeka and Lawrence, the  selections are all comments by artists exercising their first amendment right to free speach.  The oldest piece is "Heavy Heavy Hange Over Thy Head" a lithograph from the 1930's by Rockwell Kent, and the newest pieces were completed by Eleanor Heimbaugh, Don Snethen, Barbara Waterman-Peters, Dave Loewenstein and Hi Stockwell in the month prior to the opening of the exhibit.  The pieces give voice to the Artists concerns ranging from the holocost to the Ferguson, Missouri police shooting of unarmed black teen, Michael Brown.  (Click on the main photo for information about that image and links to other works by that artist.)

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