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Future Studio Plans - Residencies and Workshops NOW!


While a Gallery Space and multi-purpose room have been completed, the dream studios for clay and printmaking, individual artist studios and full amenities are still months or years down the road. Two interim studios are happening soon.  First is the printmaking studio is being prepared for use of the Charles Brand press by a guest artist = soon to be announced = and Michael Bradley has rented studio space at Studio 831 (managed by Barbara Waterman-Peters at 831 N. Kansas Ave) to begin offering an artist residency program in ceramics.  Already Ryan Caldwell has completed a 3 months residency and moved on to graduate school in Missoula Montana and the second Resident Artist, Tyler Quintin, has moved in and begun working.  See more info below about the dreams for the studios, a little history of previous workshop activities and info about our Artist In Residence program.

Edna's Clay

(Edna's was the name of the beauty shop that was a long time institution in the building that will become the clay studio.  So for now, we are keeping the name.)

Michael Bradley, one of the Place Properties partners, is a clay artist.  He has always wanted a personal studio AND space to support other clay artists as they build their practice.  While the space designated for a ceramics studio is a long way from ready (doesn't even have a roof currently) Michael has rented the other half of the back room at studio 831 where his partner, Hi Stockwell has his painting studio.  Ryan Caldwell and now Tyler Quintin are the first two artists who have been supported by the provision of free studio space after completing their undergraduate work at Washburn University.  See :Resident Artists" below for more information.

Resident Artists:

Ryan Caldwell 4/'17-7/'17  Ryan became our first NOTO ArtsPlace Artist in Residence (at Studio 831) and helped prepare the studio through extensive work on a 'bare bones' space.  By the time he completed his residency and moved to Missoula Montana to enter graduate studies the studio was a functional place for hand building and wheel work with a small electric kiln for firing. Tyler Quintin 7/'17 -  ;  Tyler joined us as the second Artist In Residence after completing studies at Washburn.  Tyler has been doing well on the juried show circuit already  having had pieces accepted during his first month into the "KACA Materials Mastery"exhibit at the Sandzen Gallery, the "Wichita All Media National" and the "Art Kudos International"

New Prairie Printmakers Community Studio

The second community studio, which may actually be finished first, at NOTO ArtsPlace is the community printmaking studio.  Evenmtually some type of structure, perhaps a membership studio, will make available equipment that Michael Bradley has been quietly collecting fror the past several years including a 36" by 60" Charles Brand etching press,a newly acquired Chandler and Price platten press and good collection of hand set type plus several small letterpresses, and equipment for serigraphy.  Stay Tuned !




The first, and by far the most extensive workshop so far was the Isaiah Zagar residency:- more info click:  RagaZagar   Several other workshop activities, however, have been sponsored by NOTO ArtsPlace both at 905 N. Kansas and off-site:  Included have been workshops and demonstrations provided to the Kansas City Maker Faire (No Planet B poster printing) and  Topeka Mother Earth News Fair including very popular "Pumpkin Sculpture" and "No Planet B - Poster Printmaking" make and take workshops for children the past two years.  In addition artists including Eleanor Heimbaugh, "Making and Using Press Molds" - Clay;  and Humberto Saenz, "Silk Screen Printing" - Printmaking; and the Topeka Tonantzin Society "Dia de los Muertos Mask Making" workshops have been offered free of charge.

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